Before filling out the registration form, we have some helpful hints for you!
Some helpful hints before filling in the registration form below...
1. You don't have to upload your profile picture, but it is a bit more fun, isn't it?
2. If you do not have a business, then put your first and last name goes also into the Business or Rider Name field.
3. Rider name = your first and last name.
4. Make sure you enter a working e-mail, as we use it for different important notifications.
5. The best user name format is your first and last name written together with no spaces. This makes it easier to process your information. And is easy to remember. NOTE: Please do not use your e-mail address as user name, as the results database does not accept the @ sign.
6. Checking the send the password to email is highly recommended! In case you did not receive the e-mail, please check your spam folder.
Welcome to our community!